Tuesday, November 16, 2010

HALLOWEEN: Eyeball Nachos & Ghost Dip (Recipe)

Super easy and spooky munchies for Halloween parties
Refried Beans
Grated Cheese
Sour Cream
Black Sliced Olives
Nacho Chips
(Instructions after the jump)

In a circular glass pie pan, spread in the refried beans.  Pour salsa on top.  Sprinkle on generous amount of cheese.  Add dollups of sour cream to cover plate.  Be careful, when you smooth it out that it doesn't make the cheese go crazy.  Add a circle of guacamole to the center.  Add a circle of black olives to the center of the guacamole.  Shake the ketchup bottle then draw on the "blood vessels".  Serve with a bowl of nacho chips.
Sour Cream + Dip (Hidden Valley)
Black or Rose Pepper
Cream Cheese
Ridged Potato Chips (Ruffles)
Cherry Tomatoes

Either use a service tray with a center for the dip, or place dip in a bowl in the middle of the serving tray.
Prepare dip according to directions (I use a combo of mayo+sour cream+dip spices for a thicker dip)
Add to bowl.  Spoon out two teaspoons of cream cheese.  Roll in Pepper until coated. Drop into dip as "eyes".  Roll a teaspoon of cream cheese into a "snake", then roll in Pepper.  Drop onto the dip as a mouth. (smile, frown or "O")  Surround the dip bowl with chips and sprinkle in cherry tomatoes for effect.
SKULL CUPCAKES (in the background)
We cheated on these.  Just bought a package of Cake Mix (Devils Food) and Frosting (Vanilla) and found some licorice skull candies and dropped them on the cupcakes.  They looked way more professional and cool than we expected.

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